Megamendung Batik (Hanacaraka:ꦩꦺꦒꦩꦼꦤ꧀ꦢꦸꦁ) is an identical batik artwork and even became an icon of batik in the Cirebon area. This batik motif has a peculiarity that is not found in other batik-producing areas. Even though it only exists in Cirebon and is a masterpiece, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism will register the Megamendung motif to UNESCO to get recognition as one of the world heritage.

Megamendung Batik consists of the word Mega which means sky or clouds, and a Cloudy or dim sky is usually there when it will rain. The gradation in Megamendung batik is in accordance with the seven layers in the sky. Usually, batik with this motif has a simple design and calm colors so that it is very balanced with the main motif, namely clouds.

The Megamendung motif symbolizes rain-bearing clouds as a symbol of fertility and life-giving. This batik motif has a history related to the arrival of the Chinese in Cirebon, namely Sunan Gunung Jati who married a Chinese woman named Ong Tie.

Megamendung motif as the basic motif of batik is widely known to foreign countries. As proof of its fame, the Megamendung motif was once used as the cover of a batik book published abroad entitled Batik Design, by a Dutchman named Pepin van Roojen. The distinctiveness of the Megamendung motif is not only in the motif in the form of cloud-like images with bold colors but also in the philosophical values contained in the motif. This is closely related to the history of the birth of Batik as a whole in Cirebon.

“Megamendung motif is a form of work that is very noble and full of meaning, so the use of the Megamendung motif should be maintained properly and placed properly. This statement does not intend to limit how the Megamendung motif is produced, but rather to disapprove the use of the Megamendung motif for items that are actually inappropriate, such as sandal upholstery in hotels,” said H. Komarudin Kudiya.